
Unfortunately, the Green Mountain Relay will not be held this year, nor are their plans to hold it again. Registration simply did not come anywhere close to meeting our expectations, and the event would not have lived up to them as a result. If you are a team captain and have not received an email regarding your refund, please email

Team Building

Putting Together A Team

Running a relay is an unforgettable experience. Most participants get hooked on the relay concept after running just one (for evidence of this, read some of our runner feedback). There’s something truly special about going for a run under the moon and stars at three in the morning with a team supporting you. You’d be hard-pressed to find this kind of camaraderie in another running event.

Start by recruiting your running friends. If you’re not sure you have enough close running pals to make up a standard team, try posting on our Facebook Page to find new people to share this unique bonding experience with you. Your team can be what you want it to be: Choose a theme or a set of costumes and decorate the vans too. With a little logistical planning, your whole team can cross the finish line together.

Before you go too far though, you’re going to want to figure out what kind of team you are going to be.

Team Categories

Your first decision is whether you want to participate in the standard (7-12 person) division or the ultra (4-6 person) division.

Within each division, teams have five competitive sub-divisions to choose from. Competitive teams must follow a few rules, particularly when it comes to runner order (see the rules). The sub-divisions are:

  • Men’s: all men
  • Women’s: all women
  • Mixed: minimum of 50% women
  • Open: any combination of gender
  • Masters: team members are all over 40 years of age

Additionally, the Helter Skelter sub-division is available for Standard teams. Helter Skelter teams may choose to have their runners run in any order they want. No awards are given in the Helter Skelter category.

Helter Skelter should also be your category if your team cannot maintain a 10:30 mile pace. Teams in the Helter Skelter category will be allowed to run multiple legs at any given time allowing them to finish in the allotted time and join in the post-race festivities!